Thursday, January 12, 2012

Is it possible for a car window tinting place to remove old tinted windows and replace them???

The windows were tinted in 2003, and now the back window in peeling, so I want to get them re-done. Of course every place is closed this time of day on a Saturday.

Do you think they would charge you more to take off the old and put new tint on??

How much do you think it will cost to get just the back window of a ford mustang tinted black?Is it possible for a car window tinting place to remove old tinted windows and replace them???
We replace failed window films all the time and it's really just a part of what a good Window Film Dealer does every day. Many of our clients tried to do it themsleves and typcially found out that experts are experts for a reason.

It will not take all day. .but rather in an hour or less and a relacement approximately an additional 45 minutes. Less if all we do is the back window.

Check for a FormulaOne Dealer at or if you are Tampa , mention Yahoo and we will take care of you at my cost. Labor and materials.
The cleaning of the windows after removal of old tint, will likely cost you more than the new tint.

Clean it yourself. Then check into having them redone.

Average price per window in my area, about $30Is it possible for a car window tinting place to remove old tinted windows and replace them???
It would be cheaper for you to buy a new window and have it treated.
Yes, but expect to spend the whole day at the tint shop if you live in Wisconsin. They just don't do it fast there.

They have to spray the old tint with ammonia, then let it sit in the sun for a few hours, then peel off the old tint, and then clean windows, and prep for the new tint.

A lot of places will remove the old stuff if you are going to have them put the new stuff on at thier shop. Ask.

Back window of the mustang should cost you right around $75...but it depends where you go. Some places might be more...some might be less. A lot of tint shops have sales and great deals. Look around, find the best deal, and then get it tinted.Is it possible for a car window tinting place to remove old tinted windows and replace them???
you know you can remove this your self pretty easily. all you need is warm water and a razor blade
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