Thursday, January 19, 2012

What is Solar Window Tinting exactly in Ford vehicles?

That would be what is known as "smart film" and is not currently available. There are obviously smart glass like sun glasses that get lighter or darker. The issue is transferring that process on wider webs and thin film, Research Frontiers is working (and has been) on this for years. So far not commercially available.

Long answer is it's just tinted factory glass with rather poor heat rejection.What is Solar Window Tinting exactly in Ford vehicles?
Solar window tinting blocks UV rays, which cause cars to get hotter inside,helps not having to put expensive additives in your dash pad to keep from cracking and allows the air conditioning to work easier and that means fuel savingsWhat is Solar Window Tinting exactly in Ford vehicles?
it's not manufacturer specificWhat is Solar Window Tinting exactly in Ford vehicles?
it helps block uv rays so you're car doesn't get too hot.

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